Financial Aid


Welcome to the LSSNMAIA Financial Assistance Scheme for paid up members. 

Approved members can apply for assistance if they are members of the Financial Aid Contributions Club, and whom without financial aid assistance will seriously suffer and face life threatening condition due to severe family financial situations. 

LSSNMAIA provide benevolent assistance to members or their dependants in financial hardship, whether due to life threatening illness or bereavement, or another cause.   

Learn more about the dedicated hardship fund for LSSNMAIA’s members during Covid-19 crisis.  All applications will be reviewed in strict confidence.

Grants and Financial Support

Grants and financial aids, you can access with your membership as well as other sources of help and support.

Grants for LSSNMAIA Members and Associates

Adoption grant

Adoption grants may be available to both male and female members who are current and not in arrears of their membership fee now and at the time of the adoption.

Grants are not available until the second consecutive year of membership and must be made within six months of the date of adoption. Grants are available per-child in the case of multiple adoptions. In cases where both parents are members of LSSNMAIA, only one grant is available per child.  No new applications can be made within the next three years after the last one.

Maternity grant

Maternity grants are available to fully paid up female members who are current and not in arrears of their membership fee, unpaid loans,  or any other outstanding financial commitment to the association or its partners; now and at the time of the birth.  Grants are not available until the third consecutive year of membership and must be made within six months of the date of birth.  No new claims can be made within the next three years.

Parental grant

Parental grants are available to members LSSNMAIA with a three year consistently paid up membership that is current.  Member must not be in arrears of any financial commitments including membership fee, tickets fees, or have any outstanding unpaid (in-part or full) loan now and at the time of the birth.  

Grants are not available until the third consecutive year of membership and must be made within six months of the date of birth.  Grants are available once for one or all children in the case of multiple births.  In cases where both parents are members of the LSSNMAIA, only one grant is available per child.  No new applications can be made within the next three years after the last one.

Funeral Grant

An approved funeral grant is payable to LSSNMAIA members whose death occur during their third year recurring and paid-up full membership.  Request a claim form from the local operation office near you.  No new applications can be made within the next three years after the last one.


One of the stated objectives of the LSSNMAIA is to provide benevolent assistance to members or their dependants in financial hardship, whether due to illness or another cause.  No new applications can be made within the next three years after the last one.

LSSNMAIA Hardship Fund 

Benevolent Fund

The Benevolent Fund is a modest and limited resource, maintained solely by volunteering donations. We are therefore only able to offer a small grant to members suffering financial hardship as a result of sickness or accident.  No new applications can be made within the next three years after the last one.

To apply, please contact with your Regional LOC lead who will talk you through the next steps.  A sub-committee of the Regional Committee will consider your application as soon as possible after application has been received. 

NB:  No new grant or funding or assistance applications can be made within the next three years after the last one.  Due to resource limitation, you will only receive a response from us if your application has been successful.

Other sources of grants or assistance provided by partners


LSSNMAIA will continue to help members to establish themselves in the profession and in business, to get through a serious crisis, cope with long term difficulties and enjoy retirement.  As well as providing advice, guidance, it gives financial and emotional support and practical support.

We play a vital role in supporting working nurses who are dealing with challenges of life, illness, injury, or accident.  For many members, LSSNMAIA will become a lifeline and to prevent isolation.  

If you need help or know someone who does, please visit and request advice and or support.  We will connect you with the members near you.


LSSNMAIA exists to help all of its paid-up registered members, and the dependants of deceased members.  The type of help offered includes providing sources of short-term loans to cover unexpected financial crises and one-off contributory payments in cases of hardship or illness.

For full information

Medical Advice and Assistance

LSSNMAIA will offer support to assist members access specialist health support, free and confidential GP assessment clinics, and advise on accessing the best treatment available.  LSSNMAIA Members can attend in-person wellness sessions as conference, medical centres and online core care and advice lines.  Register for more information, a list of complementary and mainstream practitioners, and guidance on staying fit and healthy, please visit and send a message.

Health and Wellness Webinars

We promote and offer a series of webinars focusing on creativity and well-being.   Our members work very hard and risk burnt out’ when little time is spent on recovery and refuelling or are not engaging in health and wellness activities.  Covid-19 and other illnesses causing isolation can be demoralising.  The creative process and activities can become non-existence when people are unwell and under sustained stress. 

Financial Services Information Support

We can help you access information and get a free no-obligation tailor made Finance consultation at discounted or free service.

We connect you with financial advisors who are fully …FCA Approved Advisors · Pensions advice · Investment and savings in parts of Nigeria, and in Diaspora.

To access our services, you will need to create a new account and login.

You can create an account by clicking the ‘Register’ button below and then following the registration instructions.

Partner Member services

Get advice and support finding service provide below

Public and Products Liability Insurance

Professional Indemnity Insurance

Tax Investigation Insurance

Motoring and Accident Aftercare

Personal Accident Cover

Grants and Financial Support

Copyright Registration Service

Legal Advice and Assistance

Contract Advisory Service

Partnership Advisory Service

Unpaid Fee Recovery Service

Non-work Legal Advice Helpline

Personal Injury and Accidents Plus

Get in touch for more information online at if you wish to partner with LSSNMAIA to provide discounted quality service for our members.

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